Reliability of services
Reliable service is quality service you can count on.
When we talk about home care services, it is important that the promised services
be rendered within a reasonable time and that they meet certain quality standards.
constructive action to highlight
a problematic situation
Reliable service is quality service you can count on.
When we talk about home care services, it is important that the promised services
be rendered within a reasonable time and that they meet certain quality standards.
It is also reasonable to take for granted that the staff who come to your home are aware of your file and its contents. This applies as much to information relating to your health as to the specifics of the care you receive.
Whether it is for equipment rental at the CLSC, accessibility of services or care received at home, reliability is an essential component of your confidence in the health care system. If it is not in place or stable, this is a valid reason to file a complaint.
Alice lives in a family-type resource. She suffers from Alzheimer's disease and it is important that her routine is respected. In her residence, dinner is scheduled at 5 p.m. On the other hand, it happens that it is served much earlier or later. This disruption in Alice's schedule causes her a lot of stress. When she is hungry, she is quicker to leave her room and wander the halls. The situation happens much less when mealtimes are respected. Alice's son, Diego, decides to call CAAP - Laval to lodge a complaint, after the owner refused to seek a solution.
Ligne d’intervention auprès des personnes suicidaires ou de leurs proches.
Service d’accueil, d’évaluation, d’information, de sensibilisation, de soutien et de référence aux victimes de violence conjugale et leurs proches.
Les demandes d’accès au dossier médical ne font pas partie du mandat du CAAP – Laval.
Si vous êtes victime d’exploitation ou si vous croyez qu’un proche en subit.
Ligne d’écoute, d’information et de référence destinée aux victimes d’agression sexuelle et leurs proches.
Service d’accueil et d’accompagnement pour les personnes de 50 ans et plus victimes d’abus, de violence ou de négligence.
Ligne d’aide destinée aux aînés qui subissent des abus ou à leurs proches.