Our functions
The CAAP – Laval is mandated to assist and support, upon request, users in Laval who wish to make a complaint to an institution, a regional agency or the Health Services Ombudsman and provide support to the user throughout the proceeding, including when the complaint is conveyed to a doctor’s council, and a dentist or pharmacist from an establishment. The community organization shall provide information on the complaints process, help the user define the subject of the complaint, draft the complaint where necessary and provide assistance and support on request to the user at each stage of the proceeding, facilitate conciliation between the user and any authority concerned and contribute, through the support so afforded, to the enforcement of the user’s rights and the improvement of the quality of services.”
Respect for each other
Certain principles must be respected in relations between the CAAP’s employees and managers.
- Self-respect
- Respect oneself as an individual.
- Recognize that each person has the primary responsibility for maintaining and improving his or her skills.
- Allow oneself to make mistakes, be aware of one’s limits and values.
- Respect for others
- Contribute through one’s attitude to maintaining a harmonious climate of work and pleasant relations with colleagues.
- Respect colleagues’ values and privacy.
- Respect for the organisation
- Respect the organisation’s terms of reference.
- Respect each person’s roles and duties.
- Respect the decisions made by the organisation.
- Encourage consensus-building.
- Foster a positive image of the organisation.
In the community
These values and guidelines must also be respected in our relations with the general community.
It goes without saying that we must comply with all the laws in force in Québec that govern our work. We must ensure that what we do is done within the limits of our terms of reference and in such a way as to respect the roles and responsibilities of other resources.